Tuesday, April 28, 2009

10 days and counting

Yep! we have 10 days till our first performance of Fiddler on the Roof! I'm so excited for my boys and the entire cast! I know they are going to do a fantastic job!! We are having 3 shows, and guess what? All 3 shows have sold out! They are now talking about having a matinee on Saturday which would make 4 shows! Can you imagine!?
It appears that no quilting will be done my me between now and after the show. I am just way to busy. I'm getting excited too because my sister is flying in just to see the boys! I think this is fantastic that she is doing this. My husband's parents are driving in from Florida to see the show, that is one LONG trip, they live way down in Marco Island!!
Today is Kate's birthday! Beautiful wonderful Kate is now 23!! What a beautiful person she is. I hope she has a wonderful day today.
Later ~Nancy

1 comment:

  1. You must be so proud about the play! I wish I could see it. (I love plays) Hope to get together soon! Tell us all about it.
