Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Its Sew Easy, its sew easy, woa oh its so dog gone easy"...

LOL...sometimes I just crack myself up! I was coming up from the basement, retrieving my camera to load the latest pictures, and I began singing that song...and I changed the spelling of "so" to "sew"... I'm so clever! LOL
Yesterday while I was working at the longarm machine I decided I needed to bring our cockatiels down stairs with me. I've been neglecting my birds, especially Lily. Here is proof of how much she is missing me:
She was trying to climb up my leg so she could cuddle with me! She likes to cuddle, actually there really is no cuddling, she just wants me to scratch her neck! It is ALL about her! LOL She is a sweet bird though. I don't let her on the quilts, notice she is on the floor. She can't fly, she walks.  I was ignoring her at one point, I could hear her walking on the foam mats there in the picture. Then I did not hear her...hmmm where did she go? I found her under the longarm machine fussing at the quilt!!  What a bird!
Our other cockatiel, Brad, stays at his cage and looks at himself in the mirror...he loves himself. Actually he loves Lily, but she wants nothing to do with him.
Speaking of yesterday, here is a teaser of the quilt that I was working on for a magazine. This quilt will be going into the April issue 2012:

Just the top border...what a teaser I am!

I call these feathers, kidneys!

Here is something else I'm working on, I bought a new ruler. I did not have much time to put this together, I'm hoping to make a queen size quilt from this, just different fabric...I only had a little of this. I think I will just put these together as a table topper.

It is kind of busy...needs something else, suggestions please...
I've received lots of emails from people across the nation about my quilt on the magazine cover. Thank you! And thank you to those who have posted here on my blog.  I'm hoping this week to piece just for me, but who knows, maybe I will get to have another quilt in a magazine! I am teaching a lot this coming month! I mean every weekend!
Tata everyone and Happy Sewing!

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