Monday, September 19, 2011

Here is the magazine cover!!

Ok, I hope this works. I had to go capture the picture from facebook because my camera battery is dead. So, what do you think??? Please let me know if you find the magazine in your area, thanks!
Happy Sewing!
Before I forget, my quilt is the first one featured in the magazine! Page 8! woohoo!!


  1. OH how exciting. I will have to go and look for this magazine.. So excited for you!!

  2. Thank you!! Tell your quiting friends!! And if you make the quilt, please send me a picture!
    Happy Sewing!

  3. Yes, I have it, but (8-((() don't know which pattern is yours? I bought this for the beautiful cover - is THAT one yours?

  4. Duhhh, I should have read the other comments FIRST. I'll go back and check when I get home. Congratulations!!!

  5. Oh it IS you who decorated the cover so beautifully with that stunning quilt! How nice for you, and how nice for us to see your gorgeous quilt. I TOLD you that quilt was the reason I bought the magazine!

    And how nice to see your photo - you don't look anything like I thought you would! But you're beautiful as well. I really would LOVE to make this quilt - I even have the specialty ruler.

  6. LOL, thanks Elaine! I read your comment at 6:57am, I have a cold so I'm all "yucky" feeling, but your comment made me laugh and smile, so thank you!

  7. Hooray! I was able to buy a copy of the magazine at Joann's and used a coupon to boot! Your quilt is very well-photographed and it is drop-dead gorgeous. Thanks so much for putting it out there for us to make one.
    Hope you feel better soon, quilty hugs from Vic in NH

  8. I picked it up at Joann's here in AZ. Love the quilt!

  9. I got my copy at Walmart in Carrollton, Ga. I love your quilt. When you first posted that your patteren was going to be published I wrote on my calander the date it was due to be on the newstands so I wouldn't forget to look for it.
